Saturday, February 11, 2017

Bribery? it would destroy your own country and ruin your pride!!

Hi good afternoon, it is a good weather isn't it?

Today, I would love to talk about bribery. Bribery usually categorized as take and give something that has a value such as money, house and many more that related to something that has a value on it.

Bribery also doesn't count even you are younger, older, smaller, taller. You also a briber if you give a small amount when it comes to get the tender, project and something else.

I'm actually don't like the bribery among the leaders because it actually would ruin your country and also you pride. Therefore, it makes your country going down and become a lot worse.  Don't ever think about it!! you're gonna make your own people suffer because of this...

In religion, there are also mentioned about prohibition in giving bribery and take it. Islam, Christian and other religion also teach the disadvantage of having bribery in our life. It is not good because it would makes the worst compete among the people when it comes to get the tender project, assignment such as obtain good marks and so on. You don't want it to happened it because we wouldn't know our abilities. I mean if there are one group of students are having an exam and maybe some of them are giving bribery to their teacher, yes they would get the higher marks but that bribery makes them will become the successful person after going to job nature? How about the leader would love to give bribery? That mean they are not good leader after all. They didn't play their role as a leader. It is shame to have someone like this in our country. Did we ever look for country that has most bribery is a advanced country? I don't think so because this group would ever think to sold their country because of the greedy, designation and so on.

As an conclusion, stay away from bribery. It is not good and it is better to have a good compete between us. By doing that, we will know how far we can move on and accept it if there is someone better than us.
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Horror movie; which is better? Europe or Asia?

Hi all,

Today I'm feel like that I want to write in English since there are viewer coming from several country. By the way, let's move on to the topic that I want to talk about. This is about which is better? for me all the horror movie looks good, the only things that make it different is depend to the walk through of the story.

Last week, I have watch the movie Rings at the cinema. It is the new story released on this February 2017. The whole story looks good for me. The story makes the audience wonder what was happen next. There is also unexpected story at the end. I thought that, the curse already end but it continues. The actor play their role with good emotional and did very well. This story should be given by the best rating 8/10. I couldn't give the full rating since there is also had weakness in this movie. Don't misunderstanding. It just my opinion about the movie. Everyone deserve to give their opinion. Not all will agreed with you.

However, don't expected that the Asia horror movie is not quite good. For me, it is really good. I think the Indonesian and Thailand movie are quite scary. The walk through story from early until the end makes me fell excited even though I'm also a little bit coward but it would not stop me from watching these horror movie. Sometimes, you don't want to imagine something like cockroaches or bugs appeared in bowl while eating. You will experience it after you watch it and you feel like that things is gonna happen to you but actually it doesn't.  

The good walk through is main elements that strengthen the horror movie. Without the good sequence, we unable to feel it and the horror movie same as the normal movie. The passion idea from director and actor also the good factor that makes the movie become enjoyable to be watch.

Lastly, it doesn't matter if you watch Asia or Europe horror movie. Every movie had it's own story and enjoyable to watch. I love to watch both horror Asia and Europe depend on their whole story. Sometimes, people have high expectations to the movie and from watching they will evaluate either the movie is worst or good.  Hopefully, there are many ideas will be coming from director,  so that more horror movie can be developed.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Kenaikan harga tol (Membebankan rakyat atau sebaliknya? )

Assalamualaikum semua dan salam sejahtera kepada yang sudi mengunjungi blog aku ini...kali ini aku nak bercerita mengenai isu kenaikan harga tol yang mengejutkan aku...maklumlah kalau naik sedikit tidak mengapa ...ini tidak..ada diantara tol seperti tol gombak dinaikkan sehingga rm1 menjadikannya sebanyak rm6...perkara ini mengejutkan aku kerana kenaikan harga tol ini secara tidak langsung mendorong para peniaga juga menaikkan kos berikutan kenaikan harga tol...bukan setakat tol gombak sahaja malah tol2 lain seperti Plaza Tol salak selatan, plaza tol putrajaya, plaza tol lekas dan sebagainya juga dinaikkan tol...mengapa tidak diberitahu di dalam berita? persoalannya adakah kerajaan takut akan kemarahan orang ramai berikutan kenaikan harga tol?? sama2 kita fikirkan...
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Fakta mengenai Jerebu

Assalamualaikum semua...kali ini kita dikejutkan dengan fenomena jerebu yang sedang melanda negara kita iatu malaysia...jerebu ini dikatakan berpunca daripada pembakaran hutan di indonesia menyebabkan negara kita, singapura turut terkena tempiasnya....akibatnya berlaku fenomena jerebu ini....jerebu ini secara tidak langsung menyebabkan simptom2 yang kurang selesa berlaku ke atas kita...antaranya sesak nafas, mata berair dan sebagainya...baru2 ini aku juga mendapat tahu bahawa terdapat satu jerebu yang agak merbahaya iatu jerebu kuning melanda negara Indonesia...jerebu kuning ini dikatakan tindak balas kimia apabila bercampur dengan udara...sungguh tidak selesa bila aku mendengar perkara ini...syukurlah aku tidak mengalami jerebu kuning ini...moga2 diharapkan bahawa jerebu ini akan makin berkurangan dengan izin daripada ALLAH s.w.t kerana DIA yang berhak ke atas segalaNYA...amin....sekian...

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Jenis jenis ikan air tawar di malaysia...moh la nengoknyer....

                                                                   IKAN TOMAN

                                                                    IKAN HARUAN

                                                                IKAN BELIDA

                                                                   IKAN BAUNG

                                                                  IKAN KETUTU

                                                                      IKAN KALOI

                                                                   IKAN KELAH

                                                                   IKAN TAPAH 

                                                             IKAN KELABAU

                                                                   IKAN LAIS 

                                                                IKAN BEGAHAK 

                                                                IKAN SEBARAU 

                                                                   IKAN PACU

                                                              IKAN LAMPAM 

                                                               IKAN TEMPERAS 

                                                               IKAN JELAWAT 

                                                                      IKAN PUYU

                                                                  IKAN TALAPIA 

                                                                  IKAN TEMOLEH


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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Apabila emosi melanda diri satu pasukan terkena tempiasnya...

Assalamualaikum dan selamat datang kepada yang mengunjungi blog aku...kali ini aku nak bercerita mengenai isu emosi...baru2 ini kita dikejutkan dengan isu penyokong yang tidak berpuas hati dengan mutu pengadilan bola sepak Liga Malaysia...dan akibat daripada perbuatan segelintir penyokong telah mengakibatkan kecederaan kepada kanak-kanak...dan korang faham2 jelah perlawanan mana...satu lagi isu melibatkan pemain...jika sorang pemain bola sepak tidak dapat mengawal emosi ketika bermain bola dengan melakukan perkara yang tidak sepatutnya...sudah tentu akan dibuang padang dan ini akan mengakibatkan satu pasukan terkena tempias...dan secara tidak langsung pihak lawan akan mengambil kesempatan untuk menyerang pasukan tersebut... isu emosi kemudian ini secara tidak langsung merebak dari satu pasukan ke pasukan yang lain kerana fanatiknya...sudah banyak isu pergaduhan bola sepak yang berlaku di malaysia...kesimpulannya bersikap la professional baik penyokong mahupun pemain bola sepak kerana bersikap professional itu melambangkan keperibadian yang baik di mata orang ramai...walau bagaimanapun sama sama kita menyokong pasukan Kelantan di Final nanti bertemu Lions XII kerana pasukan Kelantan adalah wakil Malaysia manakala Lions XII adalah wakil Singapura...sekian..

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ikan baung iras2 ikan patin jugok...moh ler semua tengok...sedap jugok buat gulainyer...

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera diucapkan kepada pelawat yang sudi melayari blog aku...kali ini tergerak hati aku nak bercerita mengenai ikan baung...ikan baung nie spesies sama sahaja dengan ikan patin...duk di kawasan air tawar dan juga di sungai...cuma ikan ini kurang diketahui dan kurang terkenal berbanding ikan patin...baiklah ini apa yang aku nak bagitau mengenai ikan baung... ikan baung ini mampu mencapai berat sehingga 20 kg....dan ikan ini jugak sedap dibuat gulai tempoyak...kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut bolehla datang pekan sehari kat temerloh pahang pada tiap2 hari ahad pada waktu pagi...kebanyakan peniaga ikan ada menjual ikan baung...dan harganya lebih kurang sama dengan harga ikan patin...
aku pun tahu sikit2 sahaja mengenai ikan baung ini...orang yang menjual sahaja yang tahu..he3..sekian

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